Friday 500

Selecting and developing leaders is one of the most vital tasks with which an organisation engages. Conscious of the fact that that leaders set the culture and the climate, considerable attention needs to be taken in identifying the correct people for the right roles. This involves acknowledging the diversity that people bring to the workplace and the opportunities required to positively express these differences. Remembering leadership can be informal in nature, it becomes vital that organisations also identify those who disproportionately influence cultural behaviours yet have no desire to be promoted beyond their current position. Our experience at VIA leadership informs us that when organisations have a positive attitude towards both formal and informal leadership, the success pathway is opened for high performing individuals to grow and add value.

If it is a uniqueness in leadership that makes the transformation towards exceptional performance, why then do so many organisations restrict themselves to competency based frameworks? Well, the answer is uncomfortable: it is easier for the assessors at boards to mark against scorecards and provide evidence that they have been fair and balanced in approach.

We understand this requirement; but it needs to be off set against the uniqueness that genuine leaders bring to the workplace. A rigorous focus on competencies kills the distinctiveness that people have acquired on their journey it also disenfranchises those who are high performing yet unwilling to play (as they see it) these staged events called – promotion boards. At the same time, we are cognisant that no rigor creates turmoil.

At VIA leadership we seek to strike the balance between accuracy and autonomy. When we coach people through our Rondo sessions we are mildly interested in the organisational processes: what really lights our fires is helping leader find and then express their authentic selves. You cannot be authentic within a tick-box system for it unjustly creates a performative attitude: “I must get coached to get through the system rather than be a great leader with appropriate attitude and impact.” People then concentrate on being seen to be good!

We maintain, given a nurturing environment, that an authentic leader can express their uniqueness in a trustworthy manner, that can match any competency-based framework. This is what we coach towards.

Our opinions are evidenced based. We have worked with some outstanding leaders, helping them explore and then express their leadership intentions. Our Rondo coaching sessions apply appropriate weight to uniqueness and impact. The secret is getting a leader to focus on a balance between reflection and action; being self-assured more than self-possessed; recognise that the lack of self-confidence is always the starting point for high performance individuals; that emotional intelligence creates an authentic environment within which others can flourish.

If a leader is just about ‘me’, then they have missed the point. If leadership is about acknowledging our value combined with the worth of those they lead, then that is a powerful combination. At VIA leadership we work with real leaders.