Specialist coach in, and paid observer of, behaviours and communication – also, a great teller of relevant stories.

I work privately (and discreetly) to help you, and your team, succeed publicly.

Caring. Committed. Confidential. Confident.

I’m privileged to be retained by businesses to specifically help them develop their culture and embed an environment of continuous learning.

My specialist help has been successfully implemented by SME’s and Charities across a variety of sectors including Healthcare, Agriculture, Professional Services, Public Services, Financial Services, Transport, Hotel / Hospitality, Construction and Retail.

Here’s what I already know about you and your team –

– you face challenges – some public, some private.
– you have vulnerabilities
– you have blind spots
– you have stuff you know gets in the way of your performance
– you have behaviours that even those who love you would like you to work on

I also know YOU DON’T REALLY CARE about

– my Institute of Leadership Management coaching qualifications
– my business having been established for 10 years
– the differences I’ve made to other people’s lives
– the other people and other teams I’ve worked with
– our testimonials

You just care that I KNOW WHAT I’M DOING.

I do.